It starts with connecting

Meet Beth Johnson

One of my top five strengths is connectedness. I am confident things and people are linked together for a purpose. I rarely do anything alone, and bring people along no matter the task at hand. I believe all things are better when a group of heads get together, as opposed to one person working alone. The research backs it up.

I’ve been called a pied piper, so it’s no surprise that as I’ve been focused on building my business, I find great joy in chatting with others who want to help others thrive - inside and outside their work days.

Find me on LinkedIn here.

Public to Private Sector

My journey to RedTail comes after many years in the public sector followed by many years in the private sector. I was a community education manager, K-12 summer school director and district public information officer before taking a wild leap to marketing and business development for an accounting firm. As my friend who recruited me to SDK said - they needed someone not so corporate, and I fit the bill.

It really doesn’t matter if you’re working with teachers or accountants, elected officials or business owners, we all need to communicate and we all struggle with it at one time or another.

The workshops were so empowering and inspiring that I’m approaching work with a whole new sense of self and purpose
Strengths + Understanding = Freedom!

Crucial Conversations

The most important component of a crucial conversation is not what was said, but what was heard. So often, we wait for our turn to speak and forget to listen to what is being said.

Active listening is at the core of conflict resolution, and it can be learned. With practice. We’ve all been to that retreat where the speaker told us listening was important but didn’t allow time for practicing it. That’s not helpful. And it’s why we’re creating a course on crucial conversations that allows time to learn techniques and practice active listening.

A tool for understanding

I was introduced to the world of Gallup and the Strengths assessment in 2018, when I drove to Gallup headquarters in Omaha to get certified as a strengths coach. It was there I met 30 delightful fellow coaches. We spent four days together learning about strengths and their impact. Of course, many of us are still connected.

Researching whether to embark on the certification, I was surprised at the number of people who said, “I drank the kool-aide,” when referring to the transformative power of knowing and understanding their strengths. Indeed, I have since become a believer in the power of embracing strengths.

Together is better

I truly enjoy working with groups of people, whether co-workers or individuals with a common goal. That’s why you’ll see our offerings are mostly for groups. It’s also why I love networking and creating ideas together.

Two members of my 10 year-old Masterminds group -Karen George and Phil Soucheray (pictured above) - have been instrumental in the morphing of RedTail, and will hopefully become more involved in the future.

If you have an idea, a training need, or are looking for a training/coaching partner, I hope you’ll reach out. I’d love to talk with you and see where we land.

A tool for teams

In 2022, I participated in the DiSC partnership certification. Companies and groups who commit to using the language surrounding the DiSC assessment have a very useful tool when challenges arise within a team. It tends to be a much more straight forward and easy to digest tool than the strengths, helpful for communication and conflict challenges, or just colleagues wanting to understand each other.

When the strong D needs the help of a strong C, they’ll find much greater success if they think about what their counterpart needs and proceed accordingly. This success begins with taking the assessment and sharing results.

Since 2006, we’ve been using communication to grow, learn and build relationships.